Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Desert Endurance Test: Can You Handle It?

      So this week has been a pile of good and a pile of bad all rolled into one slapdash pile and thrown at my feet. Somehow in the move half my memory cards are missing, and not the easily replaceable half. As if that wasn't enough I won an e bay bid to get Photoshop and got sent a homemade download in fancy wrapping, it worked like a normal program until you go to activate it and it sends up a fun little PWNED! message. Of course the seller ran from e bay like the road runner because that is my luck. Win something for cheaper than it should be and end up paying for something they got for free and burned to a DVD. If it didn't work I could report it but now I am not sure what to do.
      Now to the part about living in the desert. I am pretty sure that either the world is somehow testing me or the desert just likes to mess with people just as they start to get comfortable. Normally I am not this paranoid, but the last few days have been crazy. Our landlord sent out a handy man to fix my shower that leaks BUCKETS a day at least... 5 decent sized buckets daily. We were told that our landlady only approved that fix but he said that she had told him "they will have about a million things to fix they always do." Why because nothing was ever fixed when we moved in and she is a HORRIBLE landlady. She also said she would call an exterminator and have them come out so we got one for free. Just kidding that is never going to happen. But when you live in the desert you have to have your house sprayed every 2-3 months, or live in a bug haven. GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS! Bug haven time. Two days ago I discovered a species I did not even know existed while brushing my teeth. The armored cricket. I have seen many a cricket living in Pennsylvania surrounded by woods for years but nothing like this. It looks rather like a roach, except it is black and not so much jumps but glides across the floor in short bursts really fast like an ice skater. So one day and one bug down. Tonight I am sitting drawing having a good day and relaxing only to look up and see a cockroach on my TV stand watching Duck Dynasty. I get it, it is fun to watch and laugh at but you were not invited to this party, so you need to leave. After killing it with my now busted drawing pad I left a note for any other bugs next to its smashed corpse alerting them to be fore warned because I do not mess around when it comes to bugs and my living area. It also warned that an exterminator would be coming... promptly. Sad realization at the end of one of few good days I have had, I don't think I am cut out for this place. I can handle spiders, normal crickets, mosquitoes (which eat me alive), and even ticks if I have to but when bugs have armor it may be time to cut your losses and leave.

Desert = 1
Jess = 0

1 comment:

  1. When it comes to Ebay, I never buy anything that really matters that much, because I just don't trust anyone. I'm sorry you got bit like you did, but take comfort in the fact that many others were taken before you, and many more will continue after you. I know there are good sellers on Ebay, but you really have to be careful, and take the time to check them out.

    I'm very sorry about the bugs too, but I guess since there is not much else besides lizards and the bugs they eat, living in the desert, I guess that should have been expected too. No doubt the poor cricket needs his armor to survive the heat, and maybe survive the bite of a lizard too. LOL

    Love you
