So this may be a weird subject but I have traveled a great deal in the last two years and seen a lot both in the world and through electronic and advertising means but I have never seen anything like the ads here. I was told when I had moved to Europe that I would see all sorts of crazy things on TV including but not limited to rampant nudity. I can honestly see I never saw anything any more nude or crazy than what you would see on HBO possibly even less out there, but when I got here the madness began. The hotel we lived in for a few weeks had Vegas travel booklets filled with maps and must sees coupons and the like. So for days with nothing else to do I paged through them trying to get my head around all there was to see and do in such a small area since I have always lived in farm country. I was not surprised by the ads for drag shows or topless ones because it's Vegas but its the wording for every day things, or family friendly shows that were the most surprising. The first one I found was for the blue man group. It just said "Blue Man Group... No With Balls!" Even they looked pretty confused in the picture but that wasn't so weird a bit tongue in cheek but a giggle worthy none the less if you weren't expecting it.
Then came the bizarre billboard on the highway across from the strip that just said "Have you been arrested? Lawyer up!" Which is not so much funny as it is a bit confusing because there was no phone number or anything just they saying. There was another not far from that one that said "I AM God Allah Buddah" and a few others... all on the same billboard I think whoever made it was a bit confused to say the least.
Then for the creme de la creme there is a produce store here called Fresh and Easy. So the TV was on the other day and I hear a commercial about how dinner should be fast and fresh yadda yadda and at the end you just hear "Make dinner F & Easy" which while it is not F****** easy It sure as hell sounds like it when they just put it in a sentence. Needless to say we all did a double take and checked to see what we had just heard. Now I am not saying this is terrible stop making such crazy ads, by all means make life a bit more interesting but it is just like nothing I have seen any where else.
I guess in Vegas, they are a little more "literal" than the rest of the country?? But I know I would be doing double-takes too. :)